
Area rugs can provide structure, comfort and a warming effect to a home with hardwood or tile floors. They can also be displayed in carpeted rooms, resulting in a textured aesthetic that greets you in any room. At Baconco we offer an extensive selection of area rugs including many exclusives sourced directly from the rug artisans.

With so many options to consider, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Don’t worry, we are here to help! Follow these tips to help you find the best rug for your home.

Area Rug Buying Guide

Choose the Right Shape Area Rug for the Room

Certain rooms and furniture lend to particular rug shapes. For example, the shape of your dining room table should match the rug in that room. A round table will sit on top of a round rug, while a rectangle table will sit on a rectangle rug and so on. The same is true for a living room rug sitting solely under a coffee table. You want the shape of the furniture to be reinforced by the rug and provide a harmonious design.

Know the Size of Area Rug That Works for Your Space

The wrong size rug can leave a room awkward and disjointed. The best way to start is by deciding how much of the floor you want to showcase and choose an area rug that allows you to do just that. A general rule is that at least 12-24 inches of the floor outside of the rug edges should stay uncovered.

Select a Rug Color that Compliments Your Décor

The colors in your rug can influence what color your furniture or wall colors should be. It can even affect what color secondary items such as art work or vases should be. For example, pattern heavy rooms can be served well with a solid color rug to calm the busy room. On the other end of the spectrum, a multicolored rug allows you to match other aspects of your room, such as paintings or a vase, to the color palette of the rug.

Add Style with a Rug Pattern

Selecting the right area rug pattern is just as much about choosing your style as the room’s design. Abstract patterns found in most modern contemporary rugs can provide a fun modern feel to a room with bold colors and unique patterns. Geometric design rugs are a great way to update your home for the 21st century. Traditional rugs convey timelessness and are a formal option for any home. Transitional design is a happy medium for many rooms that have blended decor. Distressed Oriental rugs are a popular trend from this class.

Picking The Right Rug Material Makes Care Easier

Things to consider when choosing your rugs material include the amount of maintenance you are looking to keep up, and the traffic volume in the area you place the rug. Two of the main categories include natural and synthetic fibers. Natural fiber rugs consist of bamboo, wool, sisal, jute, hemp and other materials found in nature. These materials are organic and treated with fewer chemicals making them environmentally friendly. Synthetic fibers are man made materials such as polyester, nylon, and acrylic. Their fiber durability make for a long lasting presence in your home.

The higher the traffic on a rug, the quicker the rug pile breaks down. Synthetic fibers do not distress as easily so they can be a great choice for the hallways and entryways of your home. Natural fibers are typically softer and can be a welcoming feature to any living room or seating area. A tip is to rotate rugs often so that wear appears evenly, especially if the furniture is placed on the rug.

Synthetic fibers are easy to clean and work well in kitchen areas of your home. Natural fibers are higher maintenance but spot treatments of any stains make maintenance an easy fix.

Here at Baconco, we know that what goes in your home is an important decision and we are here to help. Scroll through our area rug collections with these tips in mind. Find your perfect rug at Baconco, and enjoy free shipping on your order.